Healthy Schools

The Healthy Schools Achievement Program


We help schools create a healthier environment for their students, staff and families. 


By joining our free health and wellbeing program, you'll be part of our Healthy Schools community, along with 700 Victorian schools who have already signed up to the Healthy Schools Achievement Program.


Our program provides a framework that's designed to help your school bring together and enhance current health and wellbeing initiatives to support a whole-of-school approach to health and wellbeing.


Based on the World Health Organization's Health Promoting Schools model and aligned to key policies and guidelines including the Victorian Curriculum, Framework for Improved Student Outcomes and School Improvement Framework.


The Achievement Program is supported by the Victorian Government and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria. 

Create a healthier school

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The Healthy Schools program


Our program is a framework centred around seven key health areas, which include:

  • Healthy Eating and Oral Health
  • Physical Activity and Movement
  • Sexual Health and Wellbeing
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Sun Protection
  • Safe Environments
  • Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol and Other Drugs.


Each health area has a set of targets to achieve, resulting in healthy changes to your school's physical environment, policies and practices, and health promoting activities.


When you achieve all targets for a health area, you'll receive Victorian Government recognition.

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How we can help


By joining, you'll gain access to an online portal housing resources, tools and information to work through our program health areas. You'll also receive on-the-ground support from our wide network of health promoters.


You can work through the program at your own pace and tailor it to your unique needs. 



Access easy-to-use tools, templates and resources in our member portal.



Our staff and our health promoters are available to help you along the way.



Get Victorian government recognition as a healthy school.

Step-by-step guides to get you


Quick Start Guide  Program Guide